Our library of articles is offered as a free resource to dog bite victims, helping them get the support they need after an attack. Learn what to do after an injury, how to gather evidence for your case, and other vital information you need to protect your recovery.
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Fighting Back Against Tennessee Dog Bite Defense TacticsLearn about Tennessee dog bite laws and common defense tactics. Our Nashville personal injury lawyers help victims counter these claims and fight for justice.
How Tennessee Breed Laws Affect Your Dog Bite Injury ClaimA dog bite injury lawyer explains breed-specific legislation in Tennessee towns and cities and how it could affect your case after a dog attack.
Owners May Not Be Liable for a Dog Bite Injury in TennesseeTennessee dog owners have two types of liability under the law and can make several valid defenses when they are sued for a dog bite injury.
Tennessee Dog Bite Laws Allow Both Strict Liability and “One Bite” RulesDo dogs get one free bite, or can owners be held liable for a first offense? Find out when a dog owner can be held responsible for an injury in Tennessee.
What You MUST KNOW if You've Been Attacked by a DogTennessee’s newer dog bite law requires dog owners to keep their dog under control and from running at large or will be held liable for any damages suffered.